Tax Services Interest Form We are accepting new accounting and tax services client starting summer 2024. Please complete this form if you would to be put on a contact list for that time. Your first and last name Your email Your phone number How many dependents do you have? 012345Other Do you own a business? YesNo Do you own rental property? YesNo Do you own non-retirement investments or cryptocurrency? YesNo Will you be filing in states besides Washington? YesNo Tell us what tax years are you looking to us prepare and file? We may be able to file an extension for 2023. i.e. 2023, 2024 Are you expecting any significant changes to your taxes this year? Why are you reaching out for professional help this year? Our firm charges a minimum of $900 for individual tax preparation. Will this line up with your budgetary expectations? YesNo Our firm uses secure portals through our website to upload financial documents and access your tax return(s). Would you be comfortable with this process? YesNo How did you hear about us?